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Eternal timekeeping: why does our life slip away from us

We want to understand what rhythm we are suitable for us to find time for ourselves in a daily race … we want, but almost do not believe that this is possible. Why do we not have time?

“I am tired not so much that I do, but that I did not have enough time” – many complain about it. And it is not surprising: almost each of us has ten lives in one-family, career, love, sport, travel, culture … And there will certainly not be enough time for something. Why, because we try our best?

We value the action too much

The paradox is that it is our efforts to keep up everywhere that leads us into a state of eternal timekeeping. Thanks to high technology, the zone of our capabilities every day is becoming wider. Sign up for a doctor, pay for classes and buy tickets online. We no longer entrust it to others, because you can do everything with your own hands. “Just do it” – just do it! – This famous slogan could become the motto of our era. “We identify ourselves with action, and this makes us suffer,” notes the psychoanalyst Sylvian Giampino.

We become impatient, including in relation to ourselves, and require fast – and preferably high – results, including from ourselves. “Capture, mastery, struggle, conquest;Faster, higher, stronger – these are the categories of our civilization, ”explains Tanatotherapist Vladimir Baskakov. – Speaking in terms of energy, then this is primarily “yang”, male energy. To restore equilibrium, we lack “yin”: staying in silence, rest, lacks the spaces of emptiness and transition to subjectively experience our life, to be in being ”.

We do not give ourselves time to think and experience and therefore no longer belong to ourselves and do not remember who we are. And this is necessary in order to feel like a subject of his life, and not an object that, not of his own free will moves from home to work, from a meeting to the store, and in the interval does a lot of things to do on the run.

We need internal space

The feeling of lack of time has another reason: “We abandoned the rituals that marked the time in traditional societies,” said Vladimir Baskakov. What are the consequences?

“We find ourselves not ready and worry as surprise to the most important events, such as birth, death, marriage, and we have to re -look for their meaning every time, having inscribed them in the canvas of our life, and this is a difficult and often overwhelming task for an individual, towhich we, too, are not ready for the most part “. As a result, much as if it slipped between our fingers, not being meaningful, felt, ultimately -. So our life is alienated from us.

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