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How we understand freedom

Each of us is familiar with aphorism: “The freedom of one ends where the freedom of the other begins”. Authorship is definitely not established. There is also a proverb: “Your freedom ends where my nose begins”.

Witty. In addition, the logic is impeccable and the meaning is clear. Meanwhile, this maxim has always caused me resistance. Not because I do not agree with her, but because this is not about freedom, but about arbitrariness and aggression. For some reason, everyone does not notice it together.

Freedom by silent agreement is understood: everything is allowed. However, this cannot be not only in society, but also in nature. Neither a wolf, nor a lion, nor a bird, nor a person is free. If you want to fly like a bird, learn to peck grains and sit on the wires under the current. Absolute freedom is an idle dream, not an urgent need. And on the way there is not another person, but the laws of nature and hostels. Then what – the interpretation around the concept of freedom goes exclusively as a warning to the bandits and criminal adventurers? This is weird. After all, the vast majority of the inhabitants of the planet do not think of themselves by bandits, or thieves, or killers, whose arbitrariness limits the same Criminal Code. Relief is really in relations between nations, but for this there is international law. From the first years, the child assimilates the rules of conduct. Better or worse, but he knows not only how to cross the street, but also how to behave in the company of peers, relatives or strangers. The sane teenager will not occur to the other to drive the other from his place in transport or in the hall. Of course, there are enough examples of aggressive behavior, clarification of relations in a fight, but even here either the rules of an honest fight, or the law comes into force. Not commenting on the Criminal Code is this flying and peaceful aphorism.Agree, when we meet a free person, we least expect aggression from him. And we understand something completely different by freedom, and not, for example, that this person does not sit in prison and is not subject to social oppression. On the contrary, it is obvious that under equal social conditions there are people free and not free. That is, by freedom, we mean certain personality traits. Sustainable combinations of words: freedom of thought, freedom of conscience, freedom of spirit. These things are achieved in the process of self -development and are in no way connected with the restriction of the freedom of another. Such a free person is not dangerous.

This is what is still important: freedom cannot be granted, only obtained, developed. I recall a children’s fairy tale. Father teaches his son to earn money with his own work. And over and over again, he brings a handful of coins to the father, but not earned, but received in some other ways (now I don’t remember). And time after time, the father throws these coins into the fire. The son is upset, of course, but generally observes the picture passive. And then one day, when the coins once again flew into the fireplace, the son rushed to the fire and began to rake them out of there. It became clear to his father that this time his son earned money himself. The same with freedom. We value it when it is obtained.

External freedom without internal freedom is not only not gracious, but often harmful and burdensome. For example, it is known that a young man who left the army for a citizen first

feels discomfort. There is neither a system with a song, no duty, no form, no subordination, no orders. What to do with this freedom? Every moment to make a decision on what to do and what to do – this task is not for everyone.

Also, one who has not gone to self -development is lost in any situation of choice and gets crazy from the complexity of the world. To at least somehow exist, it becomes a slave to stereotypes and, as a rule, feels more comfortable in the crowd. Be in the minority – for him a tragedy. In relation to the minority, he experiences instinctive hostility, or even hatred. Here is such a lack of free person, yes, is a danger to others. From self -doubt, he is born aggression.

Unlike a free person, he needs an idol and feels pleasure from worshiping strength. According to the stereotypical ideas of the majority, for him and Pushkin – the idol. But in order to consider Pushkin as an idol, it is not at all necessary to read it. Meanwhile, perhaps the most important thing in Pushkin’s nature is exactly what he called the secret, internal, that is, true, freedom: “On the lyre of the modest, noble earthly gods, I did not praise and the power in the pride of the free censer of the flattery. … love and secret freedom inspired the heart of a simple hymn … “

No, for a free man, Aphorism shown at the beginning of the column looks like a stupid and document notation of a person who does not understand anything in freedom. Real freedom has no restrictions, except for internal, educated rules that a person put himself in the process of self -development.

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